Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The nature of anger

I've been trying to wrap my head around the fact that my mental state, despite the festive holiday season, is pretty solidly angry. I could give you a laundry list of things that have been making my angry, but it would merely exacerbate the condition I'm seeking a cure for.

Ultimately, I know that anger is what sets us apart from people. Its the opposite of love. And if we are living in an angry state, we're letting our emotions win. Though there's something satisfying, albeit temporary, about being angry, and feeling justified, vindicated, and generally self-righteous. None of which I have any right to.

The more satisfying solution, then, should be to pray. But praying in anger seems just like complaining about the problem all over again, expecting divine results, then feeling like your anger must be sanctioned when nothing changes. Least thats what it feels like for me.

The other problem I see with trying to overcome anger with love, is if you're not careful, you taint the love you're trying to extend. It because that self-righteous behavior that is so off-putting, and is frankly kissing cousins to hypocrisy.

Talking about anger isn't the way to abate it. Its like blowing out a campfire. Might dim the flames temporarily, but as soon as you stop blowing, out of breath, the flames are back, bigger than ever. No, the only way to abate anger is through water. Cool, quenching water. See the analogy?

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