Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I've been blogging, in some form or another, for over 6 years now. When I started, it centered around doing silly quizzes, and synopsizing my day. It's evolved more to something hopefully more grown up than that.

I'm an internet junkie. I can/will surf for hours at a time just to glean something new and potentially interesting to add to my mental repertoire. This has has made me a bit ADD. Literally, while I wrote this, I remembered something to look up on Wiki and Google, and went to open a window for it.

I'm a fan. I mean, we all are, in some way, I just take mine more seriously than most. We're not talking Star Trek convention serious, but we might be talking Harry Potter wand and Hogwarts house tie serious. Its a hobby, one that consumes a great deal of my time, and one that I wish I could break free from.

I'm a believer. Its hard to explain quite what I mean by that, other than to point to the Apostle's Creed. The specifics of what this means in my life is working itself out through time.

But the most important thing to know is that I am both more and less than you think I am. I'm less than people believe I am, and I'm more than people understand. That sounds very teenage angsty-emo, but its the truth. I used to hate the Walt Whitman quote: Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.). Its a rather true statement of the human condition.

I'm starting this here, as opposed to my other blog homes online (and there are several), because I want to try and start over in expressing my understanding of- well, life, and love, and the pursuit of happiness, if you'll forgive the cliche. I'm writing for an audience of one, not to appease or suit those who may or may not read this. Starting now.

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